Novita' da Canon


Novità nel mondo Canon

Oggi Canon ha reso disponibile, soltanto sul sito USA per ora, due nuovi aggiornamenti per i suoi software:

  • EOS Utility 2.0.2 Updater for Windows.
  • Digital Photo Professional 3.0.2 Updater for Windows Vista/Windows XP/Windows 2000.
Vediamo nel dettaglio quali sono le differenze con le precedenti versioni (testo preso dal sito Canon USA):
  • EOS Utility 2.0.2 Updater for Windows
Changes from the privious version of EOS Utility

1. Support added for Auto Power OFF (camera) during Remote Live View shooting
The Auto Power Off function can now be used during Remote Live View shooting with EOS-1D Mark III.

2. Corrected "From PC" in Time Setting on the Camera
It's corrected that the "From PC" in "Date/Time" of the camera setting does not function properly when a computer is working in daylight saving time.

3. The setting value of Picture Style files will be applied to camera.
When a picture style file is set to the camera, the parameters included in the file (contrast/color tone/color depth/sharpness) will be applied to the camera.
  • Digital Photo Professional 3.0.2 Updater for Windows Vista/Windows XP/Windows 2000
Changes from Digital Photo Professional 3.0.1 for Windows Vista/XP/2000
1. The following functions can now be used in Windows Vista.
- Trimming Tool
- Quick Check Tool
- Detailed settings printing
- Contact sheet printing
2. Improvement of image display quality.
Corrected the issue in which jaggies are noticeable in images displayed on the monitor.
3. The setting value of Picture Style files will be applied to images.
When a picture style is applied to images, the setting value of picture style (contrast/color tone/color depth/sharpness) will be applied.
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