Nikon Capture NX2 2.3.0: nuovo update

Maurizio Giglio - Emmegì arts - news

Nikon Capture NX2 2.3.0: nuovo update

Per tutti gli amici nikonisti ecco una notizia buona.

E' uscita la nuova versione del blasonato Nikon Capture NX2.

Ma vediamo cosa c'è di nuovo.

Cosa cambia in questa nuova versione del Nikon Capture NX2?

La nuova versione aumenta notevolmente la sua velocità su piattaforma MAC. Alcuni test hanno individuato performance superiori al doppio o anche più!!!

Perché questa enorme velocità? Probabilmente perché per la prima volta il prodotto è a 64-bit e poi grazie al team degli sviluppatori che si sono concentrati in questa direzione.


Le principali e comuni caratteristiche in più sono (prese dal sito):

- Lens information is now displayed in the Metadata palette for images captured with the Nikon 1 V1 or Nikon 1 J1 using the Mount Adapter FT1 and a CPU lens.
- Support for images captured with the Nikon 1 V1 and Nikon 1 J1 using the Mount Adapter FT1 has been added.
- An Astro Noise Reduction option has been added to Noise Reduction in the Camera Settings portion of the Develop section in the Edit List palette.  This option reduces the randomly spaced bright pixels that occur in images of stars captured with long exposures.
- An Auto2 option has been added to New WB under White Balance in the Camera Settings portion of the Develop section in the Edit List palette. This option is available with RAW images taken with the COOLPIX P7100.

- When white balance is changed to Auto2 and a settings file saved, a white balance setting of Recorded Value will be applied if the settings file is used on a RAW image that does not support the Auto2 white balance setting.
- When Set Gray Point was selected from White Balance in the Camera Settings portion of the Develop section in the Edit List palette, and the image clicked to specify a portion to use as the grey point, the point selected was sometimes not accurately reflected in the resulting white balance if the image had first been rotated. This issue has been resolved.



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