"Sono un fotografo, un poeta uno scrittore un appassionato. Mi piace definirmi un uomo da 'riflessione distorta'. Il mondo, le emozioni si riflettono in me rimbalzando mille volte e mille volte mutando in altro fino a raggiungere la forma finale. Che in me è poesia, romanzi, racconti e anche foto. E a volte solo lacrime o risa."
"I am a photographer, a poet, a writer, a sentinel of feeling. I define myself like a 'distorted reflection' man. The world, the emotions are reflected in me bouncing thousand times and thousand times changing in another direction until catching the final shape. Within me it's poetry, novels, stories and also photo and imagination. And at times, single tears or laughter."
"I am a photographer, a poet, a writer, a sentinel of feeling. I define myself like a 'distorted reflection' man. The world, the emotions are reflected in me bouncing thousand times and thousand times changing in another direction until catching the final shape. Within me it's poetry, novels, stories and also photo and imagination. And at times, single tears or laughter."